Sokratis Ptochos
Medlem av faggruppen for dyrehelse og dyrevelferd, forsker
Dyrehelse og dyrevelferd
Sokratis har doktorgrad i veterinærmedisinsk parasittologi. Hans nøkkelkompetanse innenfor VKMs fagområder is klimaendringenes påvirkning på parasitter og antiparasittisk resistens.
Mobiltelefon: +47-907-65-207
Forsker/veterinær, Veterinærinstituttet
2012 – 2019: Ph.d. at The University of Edinburgh – Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC), U.K.
2005 – 2011: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
1999 – 2003: BSc (Hons) Animal Science at the Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia, Greece
2019 – dd: Forsker-Veterinær, Mikrobiologi - Fag (Parasittologi) Veterinærinstituttet.
2012 – 2019: Ph.d. Candidate, research assistant, MSc Guest lecturer, The University of Edinburgh – Scotland’s Rural College.
Øvrig faglig bakgrunn
2023: Collaborating Expert – Antiparasitic Resistance, European Medicines Agency.
2018 – dd: Expert evaluator for European COST Action proposals.
Utvalgte publikasjoner
- Ptochos, S., 2019. Environmental change impacts on ovine gastrointestinal parasitism. The University of Edinburgh.
- S. Mavrogianni, E. Papadopoulos, D.A. Gougoulis, E. Gallidis, S. Ptochos, I.A. Fragkou, D.C. Orfanou, G.C. Fthenakis. 2017. Gastrointestinal trichostrongylosis can predispose ewes to clinical mastitis after experimental mammary infection. Veterinary Parasitology 245 (2017), pp. 71 – 77.
- Sokratis Ptochos, Marie Haskell, Jos Houdijk, Mike Hutchings and Spiridoula Athanasiadou. Impact of elevated environmental temperature on early parasitic gastroenteritis of sheep. Proceedings 25th International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology, 15 – 20/8/2015, Liverpool.
- Papadopoulos, E., Gallidis, E., Ptochos, S. Anthelmintic resistance in sheep in Europe: A selected review (2012). Veterinary Parasitology, 189 (1), pp. 85 –
- Gallidis, E., Papadopoulos, E., Ptochos, S., Arsenos, G. The use of targeted selective treatments against gastrointestinal nematodes in milking sheep and goats in Greece based on parasitological and performance criteria (2009). Veterinary Parasitology, 164 (1), pp. 53 –