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Marco A. Vindas

Medlem av faggruppen for dyrehelse og dyrevelferd

Dyrehelse og dyrevelferd

Marco har doktorgrad i etiologi og nevrobiologi fra NMBU. Hans nøkkelkompetanse innenfor VKMs fagområder er fiskevelferd, stress, fysiologi og fiskehelse.


Associate Professor. Department of preclinical science and Pathology, Norwegian University of Life Science


2010-2013: PhD in Ethology with emphasis on Neurobiology, Department of Animal and Aquacultural Sciences, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU).

2008-2010: Master in Aquaculture Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences/ University of Bergen (UIB).


2020-2022: Senior Researcher. Department of preclinical science and Pathology, Norwegian University of Life Science

2018-2020: Norwegian Research Council personal postdoc. Department for Food Safety and Infection Biology, Norwegian University of Life Science

2016-2018: Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual fellow. Institute for Neurobiology and Physiology, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

2015-2017: Senior Researcher. Department of Uni Environment, Uni Research AS

2014-2015: Researcher. Department of Bioscience, University of Oslo

Øvrig faglig bakgrunn

2021 & 2022: NMBU faculty board member

2021: Main organizer of session Brain and behavior in fish: From evolutionary ecology to biomedicine in scientific meeting for the International Congress of Fish Biology.

2015-to date: Reviewer for various international journals, such as Proceedings of the Royal Society, Scientific Reports, Physiology and Behavior and the Journal of Neuroendocrinology.

2019: Member of scientific committee. Evaluate submitted abstracts and organise oral and poster presentations for the Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology.

2018: Main organizer, organising an interactive session to teach school students about research on zebrafish. This was part of Gothenburg´s Science Festival.

Utvalgte publikasjoner

Stien LH, Bracke MBM, Folkedal O, Nilsson J, Oppedal F, Torgersen T, Kittilsen S, Midtlyng PJ, Vindas MA, Øverli Ø, Kristiansen TS. (2013) Salmon Welfare Index Model (SWIM 1.0): a semantic model for overall welfare assessment of caged Atlantic salmon: review of the selected welfare indicators and model presentation. Reviews in Aquaculture 5:33-57 (204 citations).

Vindas MA, Johansen IB, Folkedal O, Höglund E, Gorissen M, Flik G, Kristiansen TS, Øverli Ø. (2016). Brain serotonin activation in growth-stunted farmed salmon: pathology vs. adaptation. Royal Society Open Science 3: 160030 (71 citations)

Vindas MA, Gorissen M, Höglund E, Flik G, Tronci, V, Damsgård B, Thörnqvist P-O Nilssen TO, Winberg S, Øverli Ø, Ebbesson, LOE. (2017). How do individuals cope with stress? Behavioural, physiological and neuronal differences between proactive and reactive coping styles in fish. Journal of Experimental Biology 220(8): 1524-1532 (99 citations)

Mes D, Palstra AP, Henkel CV, Mayer I, Vindas MA. (2020). Swimming exercise enhances brain plasticity in fish. Royal Society Open Science 7(1): 191640 (30 citations)

Shapouri S, Sharifi A, Folkedal O, Fraser TWK, Vindas MA. Behavioral and neurophysiological effects of buspirone in healthy and depression-like state juvenile salmon. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 18: 1285413