Lawrence Kirkendall
Medlem av faggruppen for biologisk mangfold. Professor emeritus.
Biologisk mangfold
Lawrence har doktorgrad i evolusjon og økologi. Hans nøkkelkompetanse innenfor VKMs fagområde er biodiversitet, spesielt fremmedearter og entomologi.
Mobiltelefon: 93-07-78-87
Professor (biologi), Universitet i Bergen
1969 – 1973: University of California, Santa Cruz – bachelorgrad
1975 – 1981: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor – PhD
2011 – DD: Universitetet i Bergen – Professor
1996 – 2011: Universitetet i Bergen – 1. amanuensis (fast stilling)
1992 – 1996: Universitetet i Bergen – 1. Amanuensis
Øvrig faglig bakgrunn
2015 – 2017: Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety, Panel on Alien Organisms and Trade in Endangered Species, Group 10 (CITES).
Utvalgte publikasjoner
Kirkendall, L. R. 2018. Invasive bark beetles (Coleoptera, Curculionidae,Scolytinae) in Chile and Argentina, Including two species new for South America, and the correct identity of the Orthotomicus species in Chile and Argentina. Diversity 2018, 10, 40; doi:10.3390/d10020040.
Eystein Skjerve, E., H.Thurfjell, D. Flø, D. Grahek- Ogden, M. Malmstrøm, T.Nesbakken, C. Das Neves, A. Nielsen, H. C. Pedersen, L.Robertson, E. K. Rueness, H. de Boer, R. Gudding, K. Hoel, L. R. Kirkendall, V. Vandvik, and Y. Wasteson. 2018. Wild boar population growth and expansion - implications for biodiversity, food safety, and animal health in Norway. Opinion of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment. VKM report 2018:14, ISBN: 978-82-8259-311-3, ISSN: 2535-4019. Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment (VKM), Oslo, Norway.
Meadow, R., N. Asare, K. T. Dalen, M. A. Finne, O. Junttila, L. R. Kirkendall, I. E. Måren, and S. Yazdankhah. 2017. Scientific opinion on risk assessment of insect-resistant and herbicide-tolerant genetically modified maize Bt11 for cultivation, import, processing, food and feed under Directive 2001/18/EC (C/F/96.05.10) and Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (EFSA/GMO/RX/Bt11). Opinion of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety, Oslo, Norway. ISBN: 978-82-8259-279-6 .
Nielsen, A., M. A. Finne, M. Asmyhr, J. O. Gjershaug, L. R. Kirkendall, V. Vandvik, and G. Velle. 2016. Assessment of the risks to Norwegian biodiversity from the import and keeping of terrestrial arachnids and insects. Scientific Opinion of the Panel of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety. Oslo, Norway. ISBN: 978-82-8259-226-0.
Kirkendall L. R., and M. Faccoli. 2010. Bark beetles and pinhole borers (Curculionidae, Scolytinae, Platypodinae) alien to Europe. In: Cognato A. I., Knizek M. (Eds) Sixty years of discovering scolytine and platypodine diversity: A tribute to Stephen L. Wood. ZooKeys 56: 227-251. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.56.529