Gro Mathisen
Prosjektleder. Dr.Scient.
Gro er prosjektleder for faggruppen for tilsetningsstoffer, aroma, matemballasje og kosmetikk. Hun har doktorgrad i toksikologi og farmakologi.
Prosjektleder for faggruppen for tilsetningsstoffer, aroma, matemballasje og kosmetikk.
2017: RA 2625 Training course 1 on Chemical Risk Assessment, EU kommisjonen
2016: Prosjektledelse, Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet
2014: Epidemiologic Principles and Methods, Det medisinske fakultet, Universitetet i Oslo
2008: Dr scient, Farmasøytisk institutt, Universitetet i Oslo
1994: Cand scient, Biologisk institutt, Universitetet i Oslo
2013 – dd: Seniorrådgiver og prosjektleder, Vitenskapskomiteen for mat og miljø
2010 – 2013: Postdoktor ved Farmasøytisk institutt, Universitetet i Oslo
2011 – 2012: Gjesteforsker, Nordisk institutt for odontologiske materialer (NIOM) i 5 måneder høsten 2011 og våren 2012 (01.09.2011-30.11.2011 og 01.02.2012-21.03.2012)
2009: Forsker, Farmasøytisk institutt, Universitetet i Oslo (engasjement fra mars 2009 og frem til og med 31. desember 2009)
2002 – 2009: Stipendiat, Farmasøytisk institutt, Universitetet i Oslo (april 2002 til mars 2009)
2001 – 2002: Universitetslektor, Farmasøytisk institutt, Universitetet i Oslo
1995 – 2002: Lærer, Steinerskolen i Bærum
1994 – 1995: Forsker, Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt (ansatt ved Veterinærinstituttet, seksjon for toksikologi og kjemi, fra juli til oktober 1994, og ved Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt, avdeling for miljøtoksikologi, fra oktober 1994 til januar 1995)
Utvalgte publikasjoner
Vitenskapelige artikler
Annhild Mosdøl, Gunn Elisabeth Vist, Camilla Svendsen, Hubert Dirven, Inger Therese L. Lillegaard, Gro Haarklou Mathisen, Trine Husøy. Evidence on the intake of intense sweeteners, appetite regulation and body weight development: a scoping review of reviews. In preparation
Lars Peter Engeset Austdal, Gro H. Mathisen, Else Marit Løberg and Ragnhild E. Paulsen (2016). Calcium-induced apoptosis of developing cerebellar granule neurons depends causally on NGFI-B. Int J Dev Neurosci. 55
Lars Peter Engeset Austdal, Sigrid Bjørnstad, Gro H. Mathisen, Petra K. Aden, Ingvild Mikkola, Ragnhild E. Paulsen, and Kirsten E. Rakkestad (2016). Glucocorticoid Effects on Cerebellar Development in a Chicken Embryo Model: Exploring Changes in PAX6 and Metalloproteinase-9 After Exposure to Dexamethasone. J Neuroendocrinol. 28(12)
Mathisen GH, Ansteinsson V, Samuelsen JT, Becher R, Dahl JE, Bølling AK. (2015). TEGDMA and filler particles from dental composites additively attenuate LPS-induced cytokine release from the macrophage cell line RAW 264.7. Clin Oral Investig. 2015 19(1):61-9
K. E. Rakkestad, I. B. Sørvik, G. R. Øverby, K. A. B. Debernard, G. H. Mathisen & R. E. Paulsen (2014). 17α-Estradiol down-regulates glutathione synthesis in serum deprived PC-12 cells. Free Radical Research 2014 48(10):1170-78
Mathisen GH, Yazdani M, Rakkestad KE, Aden PK, Bodin J, Samuelsen M, Nygaard UC, Goverud IL, Gaarder M, Løberg EM, Bølling AK, Becher R, Paulsen RE.(2013). Prenatal exposure to bisphenol A interferes with the development of cerebellar granule neurons in mice and chicken. Int J Dev Neurosci. 2013 31(8):762-9
Aziz G, Odlo K, Hansen TV, Paulsen RE, Mathisen GH (2013). Combretastatin A-4 and structurally related triazole analogues induce caspase-3 and reactive oxygen species-dependent cell death in PC12 cells. Eur J Pharmacol. 2013 5;703 (1-3):25-32
Bølling AK, Samuelsen JT, Morisbak E, Ansteinsson V, Becher R, Dahl JE, Mathisen GH. (2013). Dental monomers inhibit LPS-induced cytokine release from the macrophage cell line RAW264.7. Toxicol Lett. 2013 4;216 (2-3):130-8
K.A. Boldingh Debernard, G.H. Mathisen, R.E. Paulsen (2012). Differences in NGFI-B, Nurr1, and NOR-1 expression and nucleocytoplasmic translocation in glutamate-treated neurons. Neurochemistry International 2012 16;61(1):79-88
Bølling AK, Ovrevik J, Samuelsen JT, Holme JA, Rakkestad KE, Mathisen GH, Paulsen RE, Korsnes MS, Becher R (2012). Mono-2-ethylhexylphthalate (MEHP) induces TNF-α release and macrophage differentiation through different signalling pathways in RAW264.7 cells. Toxicology Letters 25;209(1):43-50
G.H. Mathisen, Å.B. Fallgren, B.O. Strøm, B.U. Mohebi, R.E. Paulsen (2011). Delayed translocation of NGFI-B/RXR in glutamate or calcium ionophore stimulated neurons allows late protection by 9-cis retinoic acid. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication 14;414(1):90-5
Strøm BO*, Aden P*, Mathisen GH*, Lømo J, Davanger S, Paulsen RE (2010). Transfection of chicken cerebellar granule neurons used to study glucocorticoid receptor regulation by nuclear receptor 4A (NR4A). Journal of Neuroscience Methods 193(1):39-46 (delt førsteforfatterskap)
T. Sivertsen, A.-K. Nygaard, G. Mathisen, F. Fonnum (2009). Effects of 4-methylimidazole on cerebral glutamate decarboxylase activity and specific GABA receptor binding in mice. Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods 19(3): 214-218
A. Maiga, K.E. Malterud, G.H. Mathisen, R.E. Paulsen, J. Thomas-Oates, E. Bergström, L.Reubsaet, D. Diallo, B.S. Paulsen (2007). Cell protective antioxidants from the root bark of Lannea velutina A. Rich., a Malian medicinal plant. Journal of Medicinal Plant Research 1 (4): 066-079
G.H. Mathisen, I.H. Thorkildsen, R.E. Paulsen (2007). Secretory PLA2-IIA and ROS generation in peripheral mitochondria are critical for neuronal death. Brain Research 1153: 43-51
Å.B. Fallgren*, G.H. Mathisen*, J. Mæhlen, R. Blomhoff, R.E. Paulsen (2007). Preconditioning with estradiol abolishes its neuroprotection in cerebellar neurons. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication 352 (4): 966-972 (delt førsteforfatterskap)
C.M. Jacobs*, P. Aden*, G.H. Mathisen*, E. Khoung, M. Gaarder, E.M. Løberg, J. Lømo, J. Mæhlen, R.E. Paulsen (2006). Chicken cerebellar granule neurons rapidly develop excitotoxicity in culture, Journal of Neuroscience Methods 156: 129-135 (delt førsteforfatterskap)
G. Mathisen, F. Fonnum, R.E. Paulsen (1996). Contributing mechanisms for cysteine excitotoxicity in cultured cerebellar granule cells. Neurochemical Research 21: (3) 293-298
A.K. Bølling, G.H. Mathisen, K. Hylland (2013). Miljøgifter i hverdagsprodukter Forskning.no
A.K. Bølling og G.H. Mathisen (2012). Hjelper det å forby bruk av bisfenol A? Forskning.no
Trude Wicklund, Gro Haarklou Mathisen (2016) Risk assessment of "other substances" – Lycopene. Opinion of the Panel on Food Additives, Flavourings, Processing Aids, Materials in Contact with Food and Cosmetics of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety
Bente Brokstad Herlofson, Gro Haarklou Mathisen (2015). Risk assessment of "other substances" – Coenzyme Q10. Opinion of the Panel on Food Additives, Flavourings, Processing Aids, Materials in Contact with Food and Cosmetics of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety
Trine Husøy, Gro Haarklou Mathisen (2015). Risk assessment of "other substances" – Caffeine. Opinion of the Panel on Food Additives, Flavourings, Processing Aids, Materials in Contact with Food and Cosmetics of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety