Eva Marie-Louise Denison

Medlem av faggruppen for tilsetningsstoffer, aroma, matemballasje og kosmetikk

Tilsetningsstoffer, aroma, matemballasje og kosmetikk

Eva har doktorgrad i medisinsk vitenskap fra Uppsala universitet. Hennes nøkkelkompetanse er innen systematisk kunnskapsoppsummering.


Pensjonist, tidligere seniorforsker i FHI, Område for helsetjenester


1976: Fysioterpeuteksamen

1999: Phd


2008 - dd:Prosjektledelse og undervisning innen systematisk oppsummering

1999 - 2021: Forskning og undervisning innen fysioterapi

1976 - 2006: Klinisk arbeid som fysioterapeut

Øvrig faglig bakgrunn

Dosent i fysioterapi og adjungert professor i fysioterapi ved Mälardalens universitet, Sverige (til og med 2021)

Utvalgte publikasjoner

VKM, Eva Denison, Monica Andreassen, Ellen Bruzell, Monica
Hauger Carlsen, Tove Gulbrandsen Devold, Berit Granum, Gro Haarklou Mathisen,
Camilla Svendsen, Josef Daniel Rasinger, Trine Husøy (2023). Scoping review of
research on gastrointestinal effects of selected emulsifiers, stabilisers, and thickeners.The Panel on Food Additives, Flavourings, Processing Aids, Materials in Contact with Food, and Cosmetics of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment. VKM Report 2023:24, ISBN: 978-82-8259-435-6, ISSN: 2535-4019. Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment (VKM), Oslo, Norway.

VKM, Tove Gulbrandsen Devold, Monica Andreassen, Monica
Hauger Carlsen, Eva Denison, Gro Haarklou Mathisen, Josef Daniel Rasinger, Camilla
Svendsen, Ellen Bruzell, Berit Granum, Trine Husøy (2023). Mapping of nutrients, food additives and contaminants in plant-based and gluten-free food products and their meat-, dairy- and gluten-containing counterparts. The Panel on Food Additives,
Flavourings, Processing Aids, Materials in Contact with Food, and Cosmetics of the
Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment. VKM Report 2023:25,
ISBN: 978-82-8259-436-3, ISSN: 2535-4019. Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment (VKM), Oslo, Norway.

VKM, Ellen Bruzell, Monica Hauger Carlsen, Ida Henriette Caspersen, Eva Marie-Louise Denison, ToveGulbrandsen Devold, Berit Granum, Gro Haarklou Mathisen, Elise Rundén Pran, Josef Daniel Rasinger, Jens Rohloff, Camilla Svendsen, Trine Husøy (2022). Risk-benefit assessment of sunscreen. Panel on Food Additives, Flavourings, Processing Aids, Materials in Contact with Food, and Cosmetics. VKM Report 2022:10, ISBN: 978-82-8259- 384-7, ISSN: 2535-4019. Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment (VKM), Oslo, Norway. https://vkm.no/risikovurderinger/allevurderinger/nytteogrisikovurderingavsolkrembruk.4.5bcc54501619334f196f1b25.html

VKM, Svendsen C., Asmyhr M.G., Denison E.M.-L., Devold T.G., Mathisen G.H., Rohloff J., Starrfelt J., Bruzell E., Carlsen M.H., Granum B., Rasinger J.D., Husøy T. (2020) Protocol for a scoping review of systematic reviews on environmental effects of sunscreen ingredients, The Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment, https://vkm.no/download/18.6dca7b441719c957a2414e24/1587559584684/Protocol%20for%20a%20scoping%20review%20of%20reviews_FINAL.pdf.

VKM, Camilla Svendsen, Maria Gulbrandsen Asmyhr, Eva Marie-Louise Denison, Tove GulbrandsenDevold, Gro Haarklou Mathisen, Jens Rohloff, Jostein Starrfelt, Ellen Bruzell, Monica Hauger Carlsen, Berit Granum, Elise Rundén Pran, Josef Daniel Rasinger, Trine Husøy (2020). A scoping review of systematic reviews on environmental effects of sunscreen ingredients. From the Panel on Food Additives, Flavourings, Processing Aids, Materials in Contact with Food, and Cosmetics of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment, Oslo, Norway. VKM report 2020:14, ISBN: 978-82-8259-353-3, ISSN: 2535-4019.