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Erik Joner

Medlem av faggruppen for mikrobiell økologi. Dr.Scient, HDR.

Mikrobiell økologi

Erik har doktorgrad i mikrobiologi. Hans nøkkelkompetanse innenfor VKMs fagområder er jordmikrobiologi, terrestrisk økotoksikologi og miljøgifter.


Seniorforsker, Norsk Institutt for Bioøkonomi (NIBIO)


1990-1994: Dr. Scient/PhD, Institutt for Bioteknologiske Fag, Norges Landbrukshøyskole.

2001: Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Université Henri Poincaré – Nancy 1.


2016 –: Seniorforsker, NIBIO

2006 – 2016: Seniorforsker, Bioforsk

2005 – 2006: Seniorforsker, Jordforsk

2004 – 2005: Seniorforsker, CEA

2002 – 2004: Seniorforsker, Skogforsk

1996 – 2002: Forsker, CNRS

1994 – 1996: Forsker, UMB

Utvalgte publikasjoner

Joner EJ, Johansen A, Loibner A, dela Cruz MAT, Szolar OJM, Portal JM, Leyval C, 2001, Rhizosphere effects on microbial community structure, and dissipation and toxicity of PAH in spiked soil. Environmental Science & Technology 35, 2773-2777.

Havranek I, Coutris C, Norli HR, Rivier PA, Joner EJ, 2017, Uptake and elimination kinetics of the biocide triclosan and the synthetic musks galaxolide and tonalide in the earthworm Dendrobaena veneta when exposed to sewage sludge. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 36, 2068-2073.

Svenningsen NB, Watts-Williams SJ, Joner EJ, Battini F, Efthymiou A, Cruz-Paredes C, Nybroe O, Jakobsen I, 2018, Suppression of the activity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi by the soil microbiota. ISME Journal, 12, 1296-1307

Rivier PA, Havranek I, Coutris C, Norli HR, Joner EJ, 2019. Transfer of organic pollutants from sewage sludge to earthworms and barley under field conditions. Chemosphere 222, 954-960.

Medynska-Juraszek A, Rivier PA, Rasse D, Joner EJ, 2020. Biochar affects heavy metal uptake in plants through interactions in the rhizosphere. Applied Sciences 10, 5105.