Belinda Flem
Medlem av faggruppen for fôr
Belinda har doktorgrad i fysikalsk kjemi med fokus på irreversibel termodynamikk. Hennes nøkkelkompetanse innenfor VKMs fagområde er analytiskkjemi, geokjemi, løsmasser, grunnvann og berggrunn samt kvalitetskontroll.
2021 - dd: Forsker geokjemi, seksjon for samfunnsgeologi, avdeling for ressurser og miljø. Norges geologiske undersøkelse, NGU
2012: Generell yrkeshygiene (Universal occupational health), IØ6309 Exam spring 2012 NTNU VIDERE, 7.5 studiepoeng (credits). Course content: methodical Health, Environment and Safety work (HES), regulations and standards, risk assessment)
1996: Norwegian university of science and technology (NTNU), Dr.Ing. (PhD) Physical chemistry
1991: Norwegian university of science and technology (NTNU), Siv.Ing. Physical chemistry.
1988: Bergen college of engineering (Bergen ingeniørhøyskole), Engineer, Analytical chemistry.
2020 – 2021: Head of the geochemistry group at the Geological Survey of Norway, NGU
2017 – 2020: Head of the geochemistry and hydrogeology group at the Geological Survey of Norway, NGU
2013 – 2016: Head of the geochemistry group at the Geological Survey of Norway, NGU
2012: Temporary head of the geochemistry group at the Geological Survey of Norway, NGU
01.11.2011 -01.09.2012: Researcher at the Geochemistry group at the Geological Survey of Norway, NGU
1996 – 2011: Senior Chemist and researcher (Research area: High resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) with laser ablation, isotope geology, ground water, trace element analysis etc.) at the laboratory section at the Geological Survey of Norway, NGU
1995 – 1995: Research fellow (100% position), Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, Norwegian university of science and technology, NTNU
1992 – 1994: Research Assistant (1/3 position), Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, Norwegian university of science and technology, NTNU
1992 – 1994: Research fellow (2/3 position) Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, Norwegian university of science and technology, NTNU
1991: Research Assistant, Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, NTNU
1988 – 1989: Laboratory manager, Næringsmiddel kontrollen i Fosen. (Responsible for monitoring of chemical and bacteriological quality of drinking water and food safety).
Øvrig faglig bakgrunn
2020 - 2022: risikovurdering i regia av VKM “Risk assessment of potential toxic elements in mineral fertilisers – fate and effects in the food chain and the environment in Norway”
2016 - 2019: risikovurdering i regi av VKM “Risk assessment of cadmium in mineral fertilisers – fate and effects in the food chain and the environment in Norway”
2012 - 2022: edet det nasjonale programmet for geokjemisk kartlegging av løsmasser ved NGU. I tillegg har jeg kartlagt landbruksjord og byjord geokjemisk.
I nært samarbeid med Veterinærinstituttet har jeg deltatt i utarbeidelsen av en metode for sporing av rømt oppdrettslaks basert på fordeling av grunnstoff i lakseskjellet. Metoden benyttes nå av bedriften Sporbarhet AS.
De senere år har jeg også arbeidet med forvaltning av grunnvann. .
Utvalgte publikasjoner
Flem, B., Stalsberg, L., Seither, A., 2022. Groundwater governance in international river basins - An analysis of the Norwegian-Swedish transborder area. J. Hydrol. Reg. Stud, 44, 2022, 101216.
Flem, B., Reimann, C., Fabian, K., 2022. Excess Cr and Ni in top soil: Comparing the effect of geology, diffuse contamination, and biogenic influence. Science of The Total Environment, Vol.843, Pages 138-148. DOI:
Flem, B., Benden, T.F., Finne, T.E., Moen, V., Nordahl, T.M., Skår, K., Nordgulen, Ø., Solli, A., 2018. The fish farm of origin is assigned by the element profile of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) scales in a simulated escape event. Fisheries Research, 206, 1-13.
Flem, B., Torgersen, E., Englmaier, P., Andersson, M., Finne, T.E., Eggen, O.A., Reimann, C., 2018. Response of soil C- and O-horizon and terrestrial moss samples to various lithological units and mineralization in southern Norway. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis (GEEA), 18, 252-262,
Flem, B., Eggen, O.A., Torgersen, E., Kongsvik, M.K., Ottesen, R.T., 2018. Urban geochemistry in Kristiansand, Norway. Journal of Geochemical Exploration. 187, 21-33.