Belinda Flem
Medlem av faggruppen for fôr
Belinda har doktorgrad i fysikalsk kjemi med fokus på irreversibel termodynamikk. Hennes nøkkelkompetanse innenfor VKMs fagområde er analytiskkjemi, geokjemi, løsmasser, grunnvann og berggrunn samt kvalitetskontroll.
Mobiltelefon: 958-30-071
2021 - dd: Forsker geokjemi, seksjon for samfunnsgeologi, avdeling for ressurser og miljø. Norges geologiske undersøkelse, NGU
2012: Generell yrkeshygiene (Universal occupational health), IØ6309 Exam spring 2012 NTNU VIDERE, 7.5 studiepoeng (credits). Course content: methodical Health, Environment and Safety work (HES), regulations and standards, risk assessment)
1996: Norwegian university of science and technology (NTNU), Dr.Ing. (PhD) Physical chemistry
1991: Norwegian university of science and technology (NTNU), Siv.Ing. Physical chemistry.
1988: Bergen college of engineering (Bergen ingeniørhøyskole), Engineer, Analytical chemistry.
2020 – 2021: Head of the geochemistry group at the Geological Survey of Norway, NGU
2017 – 2020: Head of the geochemistry and hydrogeology group at the Geological Survey of Norway, NGU
2013 – 2016: Head of the geochemistry group at the Geological Survey of Norway, NGU
2012: Temporary head of the geochemistry group at the Geological Survey of Norway, NGU
01.11.2011 -01.09.2012: Researcher at the Geochemistry group at the Geological Survey of Norway, NGU
1996 – 2011: Senior Chemist and researcher (Research area: High resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) with laser ablation, isotope geology, ground water, trace element analysis etc.) at the laboratory section at the Geological Survey of Norway, NGU
1995 – 1995: Research fellow (100% position), Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, Norwegian university of science and technology, NTNU
1992 – 1994: Research Assistant (1/3 position), Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, Norwegian university of science and technology, NTNU
1992 – 1994: Research fellow (2/3 position) Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, Norwegian university of science and technology, NTNU
1991: Research Assistant, Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, NTNU
1988 – 1989: Laboratory manager, Næringsmiddel kontrollen i Fosen. (Responsible for monitoring of chemical and bacteriological quality of drinking water and food safety).
Øvrig faglig bakgrunn
2020 - 2022: risikovurdering i regia av VKM “Risk assessment of potential toxic elements in mineral fertilisers – fate and effects in the food chain and the environment in Norway”
2016 - 2019: risikovurdering i regi av VKM “Risk assessment of cadmium in mineral fertilisers – fate and effects in the food chain and the environment in Norway”
2012 - 2022: edet det nasjonale programmet for geokjemisk kartlegging av løsmasser ved NGU. I tillegg har jeg kartlagt landbruksjord og byjord geokjemisk.
I nært samarbeid med Veterinærinstituttet har jeg deltatt i utarbeidelsen av en metode for sporing av rømt oppdrettslaks basert på fordeling av grunnstoff i lakseskjellet. Metoden benyttes nå av bedriften Sporbarhet AS.
De senere år har jeg også arbeidet med forvaltning av grunnvann. .
Utvalgte publikasjoner
Flem, B., Stalsberg, L., Seither, A., 2022. Groundwater governance in international river basins - An analysis of the Norwegian-Swedish transborder area. J. Hydrol. Reg. Stud, 44, 2022, 101216. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrh.2022.101216
Flem, B., Reimann, C., Fabian, K., 2022. Excess Cr and Ni in top soil: Comparing the effect of geology, diffuse contamination, and biogenic influence. Science of The Total Environment, Vol.843, Pages 138-148. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.157059
Flem, B., Benden, T.F., Finne, T.E., Moen, V., Nordahl, T.M., Skår, K., Nordgulen, Ø., Solli, A., 2018. The fish farm of origin is assigned by the element profile of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) scales in a simulated escape event. Fisheries Research, 206, 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2018.04.025
Flem, B., Torgersen, E., Englmaier, P., Andersson, M., Finne, T.E., Eggen, O.A., Reimann, C., 2018. Response of soil C- and O-horizon and terrestrial moss samples to various lithological units and mineralization in southern Norway. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis (GEEA), 18, 252-262, https://doi.org/10.1144/geochem2017-087
Flem, B., Eggen, O.A., Torgersen, E., Kongsvik, M.K., Ottesen, R.T., 2018. Urban geochemistry in Kristiansand, Norway. Journal of Geochemical Exploration. 187, 21-33. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gexplo.2017.03.004