Barbara Alexandra Bukhvalova
Seniorrådgiver, ph.d.
Barbara er seniorrådgiver i statistikk/modellering og jobber på tvers av faggrupper og prosjekter. Hun har doktorgrad i finans og eiendomsfinans.
Seniorrådgiver statistikk/modellering
2006: Ph.d. i finans og eiendom, Haas School of Business
1999: MA i økonomi, Degree with honors, Sentraleuropeisk universitet, Ungarn
1997 - 1998: CEU M.A.-programmet, GPA 3.82, Essex University, England
1997: BA i ledelse, Diploma with honors, St.Petersburg State University, Russland
1995 - 1996: GPA 3.95 Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
2018 - : Rådgiver/forsker Sage Consulting
2006 - 2018: Førsteamanuensis Handelshøyskolen BI
2014 - 2016: Styremedlem Northwestern Industrial Railway
2014 - 2016: Styremedlem NII Atmosphere, St. Petersburg
2014 - 2015 Styremedlem Central Geophysical Expedition
2014 - 2015: Styremedlem MTU Altair, Moskva
Utvalgte publikasjoner
Mutual Fund Managers: Real or Make-Belief Performance Russian Management Journal,
2017, 15 (2), 163–72.
MyOpenMath: From Random Problem Generation to Complete Online Course Support
(co-authored with Vera Bukhvalova) Computer Tools for Education, 2015(2), 49–62.
AWK as a Tool for Processing Economic Data (co-authored with Vera Bukhvalova) Computer Tools for Education, 2013(3), 9–19.
The Principal Role of the Board of Directors: the Duty to Say “No” (co-authored with
Alexander Bukhvalov) Corporate Governance: International Journal of Business in Society, 2011, 11 (5), 629–40.
Effects of Monitoring Costs on Real Options Analysis (co-authored with Alexander Bukhvalov)
Russian Management Journal, 2011, 9 (4), 3–34.