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Selamawit Tekle Gobena

Project Manager, PhD


Selamawit is the project manager for the Panel on Plant Health, and has a doctoral degree in plant biology.


Prosjektleder for faggruppen for plantehelse. 


2010 - 2014: PhD i plantebiologi, NMBU

2007 - 2009: MSc i plantevitenskap, NMBU

2001 - 2005: BSc i Planteproduksjon, Hawassa University, Etiopia


2024 - seniorrådgiver, VKM

2020 - 2024: seniorinspektør, Mattilsynet

2019 - 2020: programrådgiver, Utviklingsfondet

2019 - 2019: forsker, NMBU

2014 - 2018: postdoktor, NMBU

2005 - 2007: undervisning- og forskningsassistent, Hawassa University, Etiopia

Utvalgte publikasjoner

Tekle S., Lillemo M., Skinnes H., Reitan L., Buraas T., Bjørnstad Å. Screening of oat accessions for Fusarium head blight resistance using spawn-inoculated field experiments. Crop Science

Bjørnstad Å., He X., Tekle S., et al. Genetic variation and associations involving Fusarium head blight and deoxynivalenol accumulation in cultivated oat (Avena sativa). Plant Breeding 2017, 136, 620-636.

Tekle, S., Måge, I., Segtnan V. H., Bjørnstad Å. Near infrared hyperspectral imaging of Fusarium-damaged oats (Avena sativa). Cereal Chemistry 2015, 92, 73-80.

Tekle, S., Bjørnstad, Å., Skinnes, H., Dong, Y., Segtnan, V. H. Estimating deoxynivalenol content of ground oats using VIS-NIR spectroscopy. Cereal Chemistry 2013, 90, 181–185.

Bjørnstad, Å., Tekle, S., Göransson, M. “Facilitated access” to plant genetic resources: does it work? Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 2013, 60: 1959-1965.

Tekle, S.; Skinnes, H.; Bjørnstad, Å. The germination problem of oat seed lots affected by Fusarium head blight. European Journal of Plant Pathology 2013, 135, 147-158.

Tekle, S.; Dill-Macky, R.; Skinnes, H.; Tronsmo, A. M.; Bjørnstad, Å. Infection process of Fusarium graminearum in oats (Avena sativa L.). European Journal of Plant Pathology 2012, 132, 431-442.