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Other Substances

Nutrition, Dietetic Products, Novel Food and Allergy

Food Additives and Cosmetics

Risk assessment of «other substances»

Commissioned: 05.05.2015


Main message:

The Norwegian Food Safety Authority (NFSA) requests the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety (VKM) to assess the safety of “other substances” found on the Norwegian market

«Other substances» are substances other than vitamins and minerals, with a nutritional and/or physiological effect on the body. “Other substances” are mainly added to food supplements, but these may also be added to other foods and beverages, such as sports products and energy drinks. Ingestion of these substances in high amounts presents a potential risk for consumers.

In 2011, food supplements containing “other substances” constituted more than 50% of the market share.

At EU level, other substances” remain largely unregulated. In order to ensure safe use of “other substances” many countries have regulated their use at a national level. Denmark for instance has a positive list i.e. a list of substances with maximal daily doses, permitted for use in food supplements and other foods.

The Norwegian Food Safety Authority (NFSA) has recommended the Norwegian Ministry for health and care services to regulate the addition of “other substances” to food supplements and other foods at a national level. NFSA has suggested using the Danish regulation as a model while establishing a national regulatory framework. NFSA has further suggested that the establishment of a list of substances with permitted maximal doses should be based on the products and substances found on the Norwegian market.

In preparation for an eventual regulation, NFSA has requested the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety (VKM) to assess the safety of “other substances” found on the Norwegian market. NFSA, in consultation with the industry, has compiled a list of “other substances” found in products marketed in Norway.

Only substances with a purity of minimum 50% or concentrated 40 times or more have been included in the list. Substances regulated by other legislations like those for novel foods, food additives, aromas, foods for special medical purposes, etc. have been excluded from the list.

Terms of Reference

NFSA has requested VKM to

  • Prepare a guidance document outlining the methodology to be used for the safety assessments of “other substances” (Phase 2).
  • Assess the safety of “other substances” (in accordance to the guidance document developed in Phase 2) at the doses specified (Phase 3).    
  • Safety assessments for “other substances” present in food supplements shall be carried out for a general population, ages 10 years and above.
  • Safety assessments for “other substances” present in energy drinks shall be carried out for a general population, ages 3 years and above. Drinking patterns reflecting a high acute intake, an average chronic intake and a high chronic intake should be assessed.


Daily doses in food supplements

Daily doses in other foods

Conjugated linoleic acid

3500 mg, 3250mg, 3000mg

Docosahexaenoic acid

1290 mg, 1050 mg

Docosapentaenoic acid

150 mg, 125 mg, 100 mg

Eicosapentaenoic acid

1825 mg, 1750 mg, 1500 mg


4500 mg, 4250 mg, 4000 mg, 3750 mg, 3500 mg


6800 mg, 6000 mg, 5500 mg, 5000 mg, 4500 mg, 4000 mg, 3500 mg, 3000 mg

L-Aspartic acid

5700 mg, 5000 mg, 4500 mg,

4000 mg, 3500 mg, 3000 mg


2000 mg, 1500 mg, 1000 mg


2000 mg, 1500 mg, 1000 mg



10 mg


1000 mg, 750 mg, 500 mg, 250 mg


16000 mg, 15000 mg, 12000mg,

8000mg, 5000 mg, 3500 mg

L-Gutamic acid

5500 mg, 5000 mg, 4000 mg,

3000 mg, 2000 mg, 1000 mg


650 mg, 500 mg, 300 mg, 100 mg,

50 mg, 20 mg


600 mg, 550 mg


2500 mg, 2000 mg, 1750 mg,

1500 mg


5250 mg, 5000 mg, 4000 mg,

3000 mg, 2500 mg


3000 mg, 2750 mg, 2500 mg,

2000 mg, 1000 mg


700 mg, 600 mg, 500 mg, 300 mg,

200 mg


75 mg, 50 mg


1000 mg, 750 mg, 500 mg, 250 mg,

100 mg


1800 mg, 1500 mg, 1000 mg, 500 mg,

50 mg


1750 mg, 1500 mg, 1250 mg,

1000 mg, 500 mg, 50 mg


2400 mg, 2000 mg, 1500 mg,

1200 mg, 1000 mg


450 mg, 300 mg, 250 mg


2000 mg, 1750 mg, 1500 mg, 1250 mg


2500 mg, 2250 mg, 2000 mg,

1750 mg, 1500 mg


2000 mg, 1000 mg


1500 mg


2250 mg

Coenzyme Q10

100 mg

Collagen from fish

750 mg


24000 mg, 10000 mg, 5000mg,

3000 mg


6200 mg, 3100 mg


24 mg/

100 ml


10 mg/ 100 ml

Lecithin from sunflower

10100 mg


2000 mg, 1000 mg

300, 350,

400 mg/

100 ml


300 mg, 100 mg

32 mg/ 100 ml


900 mg, 600 mg, 300 mg

Isoflavones from soy

80 mg, 40 mg


10 mg

Piperine from black pepper

1,5 mg


3000 mg

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