Scientific Steering Committee
Knowledge gaps: research on Norwegian conditions is needed
Commissioned: 12.09.2017
Report no: 2018: 10-12
Published: 23.05.2018
Key message:
More knowledge on Norwegian conditions is needed to ensure food safety and protect the environment in Norway.
This is stated in a report from the Norwegian Scientific Committee for food and environment (VKM), which summarizes the knowledge gaps identified in VKMs risk assessments from 2016 and 2017.
- Research and surveillance data from other countries are not necessarily representative or relevant to Norway. Thus, there is need for Norway to generate knowledge on specific Norwegian conditions. This requires active Norwegian research communities within the subject areas that are of importance to ensure food safety and protect the environment, the head of the Scientific Steering Committee in VKM, Jan Alexander points out.
- Knowledge gaps contribute to uncertainties in the conclusions of our assessments. Filling these knowledge gaps can reduce uncertainty in our conclusions and make the authorities better able to ensure food safety and protect the environment, he continues.
Impact of climate change
VKM highlights how climate change and globalization affect food safety and food production, natural resources and biodiversity in Norway among other knowledge gaps identified in VKMs risk assessments from 2016-2017.
Additionally, VKM highlights the need for knowledge regarding the development and spread of antimicrobial resistance.
According to VKM, there is also need for national dietary surveys that can shed light on how diet affects health. In addition, we need knowledge on the level of radioactivity in Norwegian food and drinking water.
Five main areas
The report is divided into five main areas based on research needs and data gaps identified:
- Agriculture and terrestrial food production
- Fisheries, aquaculture and seafood production
- Human health
- Biodiversity
- Surveillance data for food and diet
This report is the latest in a series of reports on research needs and data gaps published periodically by VKM. The Scientific Steering Committee has been responsible for this report.