Plant Protection Products
Health and environmental risk assessment of the insecticide Movento 100 SC
Commissioned: 18.04.2013
Report no: 2013: 28
Published: 03.07.2013
Main message:
The Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety (VKM) concludes that several of the toxic effects observed in experimental animals exposed to spirotetramat should be considered relevant for humans. Spirotetramat is the active ingredient in a new insecticide, Movento 100 SC. The risk assessment was requested by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority.
New insecticide
The intended use of the new insecticide Movento 100 SC is for pome fruit, vegetables and ornamentals outdoors, and lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers in greenhouses.
Risk assessment
This risk assessment is based on documentation submitted by the pesticide notifier, peer reviewed literature and recognized methodology, and will be used by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority when considering the application for registration of Movento 100 SC in Norway.
VKM was asked to consider possible health risk related to the properties of Movento 100 SC, fate and behavior in the environment, and ecotoxicological effects related to its use.
Effects on the thyroid, thymus and brain, as well as reproductive effects, observed in experimental animals, are considered relevant for human health risk, resulting in the need for protective equipment during use of Movento 100 SC.
VKM concludes that spirotetramat and its metabolites are not expected to accumulate in soil or reach groundwater.
Movento 100 SC poses a minimal risk of adverse effects to most terrestrial organisms, including bees, and also to aquatic organisms in surface water provided a 5 m safety zone to open water.
Vitenskapskomiteen for mat og miljø
The Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment
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