Plant Protection Products
Environmental risk assessment of the fungicide Infinito
Commissioned: 20.04.2012
Report no: 2012: 19
Published: 26.06.2012
Main message:
The Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety (VKM) considers that there is a minimal risk for toxic effects of the fungicide Infinito to terrestrial and aquatic organisms with the proposed application regime. After repeated use the fungicide and its main metabolite may accumulate in the soil and the groundwater.
These are the main conclusions in an environmental risk assessment which VKM has performed at the request of The Norwegian Safety Authority.
Infinito is a new generation fungicide to protect potatoes against the blight pathogen Phytophtora infestans.
It contains the active substances fluopicolide, which is new in Norway, and propamokarb-HC1, which is already approved in several products.
Environmental effects
VKM considers fluopicolide and its main metabolite to be persistent in Norwegian soils, surface waters and water-sediment systems. The slow degradation results in a significant potential for soil accumulation after repeated use for several years under Norwegian conditions.
Especially one metabolite (M-01, 2,6 Diklorbenzamid, BAM) may leach into groundwater and at concentrations exceeding EU´s limit for drinking water.
The risk assessment
VKM´s Panel on plant protection has been responsible for the risk assessment, which is based on the documentation submitted by the pesticide notifier, international literature and methodology.
The assessment will be used by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority
Vitenskapskomiteen for mat og miljø
The Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment
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