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Plant Protection Products

Risk assessment of the fungicide Bontima

Commissioned: 20.04.2012

Report no: 2012: 18

Published: 26.06.2012

Main message:

The Norwegian Scientific Committee of Food Safety (VKM) considers the active substance isopyrazam in the fungicide Bontima likely to be persistent in Norwegian soils with associated risk of accumulation after repeated use.

Isopyrazam exhibits low mobility in soil and is not expected to reach groundwater, but its two main metopolites are likely to exceed the EU drinking water limit.

These are the main conclusions in an environmental risk assessment performed by the VKM at the request of The Norwegian Food Safety Authority, which is taking the final regulatory action regarding registration in Norway.

New product

Bontima is a new fungicide against the most important diseases in winter and spring barley. It contains the two active substances isopyrazam and cyprodinil. Isopyrazam is a new active ingredient with new mechanisms of action that may delay the development of fungicide resistance in treated crops.

Bontima is a new fungicide against the most important diseases in winter and spring barley. It contains the two active substances isopyrazam and cyprodinil.

Isopyrazam is a new active ingredient with new mechanisms of action that may delay the development of fungicide resistance in treated crops.

Environmental risks

VKM´s opinion is that there is minimal risk for toxic effects of isopyrazam to mammals, birds, bees, plants, earthworms and soil microorganisms with the proposed application regime.

For fish there is a high risk for acute toxic effects of isopyrazam with the proposed application regime, and a medium risk of acute effects on invertebrates. A minimal risk for toxic effects was calculated for sediment dwelling organisms, aquatic plants and algae.

According to the EU report of Bontima, buffer zones of 20 meters have been used to reduce runoff levels contribution by 80 per cent. VKM questions the relevance of using these buffer zone modifications in sloping or steep Norwegian agricultural areas.

The risk assessment

VKM´s Panel on plant protection has prepared the risk assessment, which is based on the documentation submitted by the pesticide notifier and international literature and methodology.

The assessment will be included by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority as a basis for regarding an application for registration of the fungicide in Norway.

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Vitenskapskomiteen for mat og miljø

The Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment

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