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Scientific Steering Committee

Research needs and data gaps of importance for food safety and protection of biodiversity

Report no: 2016: 48

Published: 08.09.2016

Key message:

What do Norwegians eat, which substances does the food contain, and what is the relation between intake of various foods and health and disease? This is one in several areas where we need more knowledge, according to a summary report from the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety, VKM.

The aim of the report is to highlight research needs and data gaps that are of future importance for food safety and protection of biodiversity. The summary includes research needs and/or data gaps identified in VKMs scientific opinions during the period 2005 – 2015.

Highlights needs of research needs and data gaps of great importance

The report highlights the following research needs and data gaps as they are of great importance:

  • Knowledge on possible impacts of climate change and globalization on Norwegian food production and food safety
  • Knowledge on possible impacts of climate change and globalization on Norwegian nature and biodiversity
  • Knowledge on what we eat, which substances the food contains, and the relationships between intake of various foods and health and disease
  • Knowledge of foodborne pathogens, food production and antibiotic resistance in Norway
  • Knowledge on how to assess simultaneous exposure to multiple chemicals
  • Knowledge on health and environmental effects on nanomaterials in food and cosmetics

Six different areas

The report has divided more specified reported research needs and data gaps in six different areas:

  • agriculture, terrestrial food production and terrestrial animals 
  • fisheries, aquaculture, seafood production and aquatic animals 
  • human health 
  • biodiversity 
  • combined exposures 
  • surveillance data for food and diet

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Vitenskapskomiteen for mat og miljø

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