Recorded webinar on PFAS available now
What do we know about the PFAS situation in the Nordic region and what can be done?
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This was discussed at a webinar 18 September 2023 jointly organized by 4 Nordic research institutions and food authorities.
PFAS covers a wide range of fluorine substances that have been used for decades and is still used in a myriad of products. The substances, also known as the ‘Forever Chemicals’, are chemically extremely stable and continuously accumulate in humans and animals and elsewhere in the environment where they can pose a risk to animal and human health.
At a webinar the 18 September 2023 researchers as well as food and chemical authorities discussed the current knowledge on PFAS in the Nordic Region. How does PFSA affect health? What are the risks? Where is PFAS found and to what extent? What are the authorities doing and how is it possible to remove or avoid a PFAS? What do we not know and need more knowledge about?
The webinar was jointly organized between the Danish DTU National Food Institute (DTU Fødevareinstituttet), Finnish Food Authority (Ruokavirasto, Livsmedelsverket), Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment (Vitenskabskomiteen for mat og miljø) and Swedish Food Agency (Livsmedelsverket).
See the final program here.