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Scientific basis for regulation of international trade in endangered wild species of animals and plants

Commissioned: 11.06.2022


Key message:

The Scientific Committee for Food and Environment (VKM) will assess the proposed amendments to the regulation of international trade in a range of species of wild animals and plants.

The proposals have been submitted ahead of the coming 19th Conference of the Parties of the Convention (CoP) on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild fauna and flora (CITES).

The Norwegian Environment Agency, which is the national Managment Authority for CITES, commissioned the assessments. VKM is the national Scientific Authority for CITES, and the assessments will form part of the scientific basis for Norway’s stance on these matters at the CoP.

CoP19 will be held in Panama from November 14. to 25. 2022.

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Liten bilde av Jo Hermansen

Jo Skeie Hermansen

Project manager, PhD

M: 48200409
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