
Import of Live Leeches – Potential Risk to Norwegian Biodiversity


Report no:

Publishing: 23.09.2024

Key message:

The Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment (VKM) shall assess whether the import of two species of leeches could pose a risk to Norwegian biodiversity.

The risk assessment has been commissioned by the Norwegian Environment Agency.

Leeches may be used for medical and cosmetic treatments, as well as kept as hobby animals. One of the species is native to Norway.

The background for the assignment is that the Norwegian Environment Agency has received several applications for import. The purpose of the import is to use the leeches for medical and cosmetic procedures, as well as for keeping leeches as hobby animals.

The species applied for import are the medicinal leech (Hirudo medicinalis) and the Hungarian leech (Hirudo verbana), the first of which is considered a naturally occurring species in Norway. The Hungarian leech has long been identified as H. medicinalis due to their great similarity, and it is therefore possible that it also is native to Norway.


The Norwegian Environment Agency requests a comprehensive assessment of the potential negative impacts that the import of these two species may have on biodiversity in Norway. This includes direct and indirect effects the species may have, including negative genetic influence on species already naturally present in Norway, as well as the threat posed by any accompanying organisms.

VKM is also tasked with identifying and evaluating any risk-reducing measures.

The VKM project group consists of:

  • Lawrence Kirkendall, member of VKM's Panel on Biodiversity (Lead Scientist)
  • Kyrre Kausrud, member of VKM's Panel on Biodiversity
  • Martin Malmstrøm, VKM Secretariat (Project Manager)

The risk assessment is to be approved by VKM's Panel on Biodiversity and is scheduled for publication in the second half of September this year.


Liten bilde av Martin Malmstrøm

Martin Malmstrøm

Prosjektleder, ph.d.

M: 92 42 43 13
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