Plant Protection Products

Health and environment minimally exposed by the nematode Steinernema carpocapsae


Report no: 2017: 01

Published: 03.02.2017

Main message:

The use of plant production products with the nematode Steinernema carpocapsae as the active organism, is not associated with negative health effects on humans. The nematode occurs naturally in Norway, but the potential for establishment and spreading is low. This is the conclusions in a assessment conducted by the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety (VKM).

The Norwegian Food Safety Authority (NFSA) has asked VKM to conduct the health and environmental risk assessment.

Plant protection product Nemasys C

Steinernema carpocapsae is the active organism in the plant protection product Nemasys C. Nemasys C is sought to be used as a plant protection product in Norway, for use against the codling moth and oriental fruit moth, the larva stage in shore flies, pupal stage in large pine weevils and several larva, in greenhouses, domestic gardens, outdoor crops and lawns, orchards and forest plantations.

VKM has assessed health and environmental risk related to the nematode.

Occurs naturally in Norway

VKM considers that Steinernema carpocapsae occurs naturally in Norway. The distribution of the species within Norway is not known. According to VKM, the nematode may be able to overwinter at least in coastal areas of Southern Norway.

The potential for spreading from treated areas is considered to be low because of low active mobility and low potential for reproduction in soil. A possible route for long-range transport is by anthropogenic dislocation of growing medium e.g. with potted plants.

It is the view of VKM that the use of the nematode Steinernema carpocapsae with the symbiotic bacteria Xenohabdus nematophilus will pose a minimal health hazard for operators.

VKMs Panel on Plant Protection Products is responsible for the assessment.


Vitenskapskomiteen for mat og miljø

The Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment

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