Genetically Modified Organisms
Comments to the EFSA public hearing of genetically modified oilseed rape GT73 (EFSA-GMO-RX-002)
Published: 10.04.2017
Key message:
The Norwegian Committee for Food Safety (VKM) has performed an assessment of health and environmental risk of the genetically modified oilseed rape GT73. The assessment was performed in connection with EFSA´s public hearing of the renewal application EFSA-GMO-RX-002, on request from the Norwegian Food Safety Authority and the Norwegian Environment Agency.
In 2005, the import and use of GT73 oilseed rape as any other oilseed rape in EU was approved by the EU Commission. The authorization was granted for a period of ten years. The scope of the current application is for food containing and consisting of GT73 oilseed rape; and food produced from or containing ingredients produced from GT73, with the exception of refined oil and food additives.
The assessment of oilseed rape GT73 is based on information provided by the applicant in the application EFSA-GMO-RX-002, and relevant peer-reviewed scientific literature.
When a company seeks approval of a genetically modified organism in the EU, the application is submitted to the national competent authority of a Member State, which forwards the application to EFSA. EFSA then submits the application for a public hearing across all EEA and EU countries. VKM conducts its own review of the application and sends its comments to EFSA. EFSA then completes their scientific opinion based on information from the applicant, comments from EU/EEA member countries, and independent literature. The scientific opinion is then issued to the European Commission.
Once the Commission issues final approval, VKM prepares a final health and environmental risk assessment of the organism on request from the Norwegian Food Safety Authority and the Norwegian Environment Agency.
GT73 oilseed rape provides tolerance to glyphosate based herbicides. VKM submitted their comments on application EFSA-GMO-RX-002 to EFSA before April 10, 2017.